Candidate: Beaulieu
Location: Chelmsford, England
Category: The Great Neighbourhood Award (Winner)
Year: 2024
Other finalists in this category: Graylingwell, Chichester and Port Loop, Birmingham
Candidate Overview
Beaulieu is a new neighbourhood located in North East Chelmsford, that will ultimately deliver up to 3,600 new homes, community facilities and other key amenities. The lead developers are Countryside (now part of the Vistry Group) and L&Q.
Beaulieu forms part of the wider Chelmsford Garden Community and along with other committed developments, are planned to deliver over 10,000 homes, a nature park, employment provision and other key land uses and amenities, including a new railway station.
Outline Planning Permission for Beaulieu was approved in 2014, and was accompanied by an Illustrative Masterplan; the product of early and sustained collaboration with stakeholders, community interest groups, Chelmsford City Council and Essex County Council. It focused not just on mitigating the impact of the development but on how this new neighbourhood might benefit both new residents and meet the wider needs of Chelmsford.
Strategic and ambitious decisions to provide infrastructure first instead of allowing the development to grow organically made Beaulieu immediately attractive to buyers at the outset. The continuity of JV partners, Council, Design Team members and principal stakeholders has been fundamental in driving the strong, shared agenda from day one.
Thumbnail illustration of Beaulieu by David Rudlin AoU, Artist-in-Residence