Urban places are filled with opportunity. Cities provide easy access to services of all kinds, from education to cultural activities, jobs to health care. Yet, inequities and inequalities in our urban environments impact how and where we access services. We know better than ever how our environment affects our life expectancies in dramatic but now unsurprising ways, from the money schools can spend on sports equipment to the number of trees on our street.
Cities like Bergen and Pontevedra are taking positive steps to be more equitable and better integrate healthy lifestyles into the everyday urban lives of their citizens. This Workshop looks at how they’re doing it. It will examine how good practice starts with an unwavering vision: to want people to have healthier lives and easier access to services that will improve their life opportunities. Crucially, it will look at the practical and evidence-based steps these cities have taken.
Presenters: Ramon Marrades, Director, Placemaking Europe and Michael O'Toole, Chief Executive, Cambridgeshire Community Foundation
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Thumbnail photo of Bergen by Agent J on Unsplash