We are at our core an active network of experienced and expert individuals that continuously champion the cause of good urbanism and continuously look for new organisations that will support us in this cause. The popularity of Group Membership lies in our Group Members recognising that extending the benefits of this membership to professional staff within the organisation is greatly appreciated at all levels. 

Benefits of Group Membership

Free listings on AoU Jobs Board

Listing on the AoU website and in the AoU Journal

Use of AoU logo to highlight membership

Subscription to the AoU Journal, Here & Now

Company wide newsletters with information on events and activities

Discounts and priority booking on selected events

Exclusive opportunity to Speak at events and write features

Exclusive benefits tailor made for your Organisation

What do our Group Members have to say...

"Connecting with sector experts through the Academy of Urbanism network is a huge benefit of being a Group Member.  As an organisation with expertise in cultural placemaking we find the network open to discussing the role that Arts and Culture play in urban contexts, particularly through the inclusion of articles and case studies within AoU journals. As a charity we have also been able to reach out to the network to seek trustees with a wide range of placemaking skills, which has strengthened our Board."

Kate Watson
Principal Consultant
Group Member

"Eindhoven joined the Academy of Urbanism after a surprising nomination as city of the year. It was really wonderful to have a delegation in Eindhoven, and show them our lovely city. We spent a few beautiful days together, and after that we went to London for the Awards. But in those few days there were friendships built, that show how much a city can connect. Not only for the people who live in it, but also the people who visit it.

"Since that moment we’ve become group member, and try to visit all annual congresses. Last time in Belfast we were glad to tell everyone how Eindhoven is doing since the last visit and presentations. I would recommend it to every city-lover!"

Bregje Somers
Head of Programme and District management
Group Member

"Milton Keynes Council partnered with the Academy on a showpiece event for Milton Keynes’ 50th birthday in 2017 and a major conference in 2019 and we have been Corporate Members ever since. The mutual benefit comes from the Academy's involvement in our city events and activities, and the significant reach of specialists and expertise in urbanism and related fields that the Academy network provides."

Neil Sainsbury
Head of Placemaking, Milton Keynes Council
Group Member

"The group membership in the Academy of Urbanism has been a very valuable asset and we are very proud to be a part of and support this great organisation. As an individual, I had the opportunity to take part in the Mentoring Scheme as a mentee, which has been very useful for the progress of my current role as well as my engagement with Urban Design overall (ie: regarding events, networking and University involvement). In addition, with our current Group Membership in
Prior + Partners we are able to attend a number of interesting events and meet inspiring people in the sector."

Odysseas Diakakis
Senior Urban Designer
Group Member

Group Member Directory

The Academy of Urbanism (Number 2) Limited is a not-for-profit organisation limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 0595604, 11c Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 IXE, United Kingdom.
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