Andreas Markides BSc (Hons) MSc CEng AoU FCIHT FICE, is experienced in the planning, design and management of major development projects, urban extensions and town centre regeneration schemes; he has also been involved in the design and supervision of infrastructure works. His specialist traffic expertise includes traffic impact studies for new development proposals, highway design, development of transport strategies and expert witness at Planning inquiries. He set up Markides Associates in October 2016 which currently employs more than 30 transport planners and engineers.
For three years, he served on the Committee of the Thames Valley branch of the Institution of Civil Engineers and he was chairman of that Association (AMG&S) for the period 1989/90. He was President of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) for 2017-2018 and is currently a Trustee of that Institution. He is also a founding member of the Academy of Urbanism. In 2014 he acted as Planning Commissioner for the island of Cyprus.