At this Urbanism Hour, we meet Peter Baird and Andrea Imaz from international design firm Perkins&Will to talk about City Science and responsive design for the built environment. The application of data is a topic that is increasing in relevance for cities and also diversifying in range and application across scales. Peter and Andrea will join us to talk about the culmination of four years' development in the field – in the UK and the US.

Andrea Imaz

Andrea Imaz is an architect with a flair for in urban analysis, modelling and design. She holds a Master in Smart Cities and Urban Analytics from CASA (Centre for Advanced Spatial Data Analysis, UCL) and a Specialization Diploma in Planning and Urban Development. Andrea has professionally developed masterplans and urban projects of various scales across the UK, Europe, the Middle East, and America. She has written research papers on the application of urban analytics and, prior to joining Perkins&Will, she was part of a research institution providing strategic consulting in the transformation of cities. Andrea’s creative process includes GIS and statistical analysis tools to gain better insight into the territories and stimulate improvements to the design process.

Peter Baird

Peter Baird is a planner and designer who is passionate about enhancing the built environment through improved sense of place, walkability, and strengthening the role of integrated green and water sustainable design concepts. He advocates the analysis of, and sensitivity to, site context to establish transparent design decisions, improve problem solving, and create open dialogue with the community. His experience has led to a strong understanding of the physical and space requirements, market realities and the social interactions required to create active streets inspiring campus and urban environments. His experience includes leading multiple master plans and facility programs across the United States, the Middle East, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand.

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