The Urbanism Hours are virtual lunch time events that explore a given theme within the built environment, with two speakers and a Q&A discussion. For February's Urbanism Hour we'll be joined by BiGGAR Economics' Shona Glenn and Aimilia Manolakelli.

Regeneration and place-based development can generate multiple benefits individuals and communities, but traditional economic metrics are ill suited to capturing them. Recent advances in the economics of wellbeing are starting to change this. This session will explore how a new measure, Wellbeing Adjusted Life Years (WELLBYs) can be used to capture some of the important benefits often overlooked by traditional economic analysis.

For a short introduction to some of the ideas we will be covering in the session (and to find out how your area performs in the UK wellbeing league table!) you may find this blog helpful.


Shona Glenn

With more than 20 years experience in economic development, Shona has a passion for quantifying social benefits that tend be overlooked by traditional economic analysis.  She has extensive experience of advocating for and assessing the benefits of place making. Highlights include leading Scotland’s Vacant and Derelict Land Task Force in 2019, which was responsible for bringing about a step-change in policy in Scotland and a tangible reduction in long-term urban dereliction. More recently she has been pioneering the use of Wellbeing Adjusted Life Years to help tell compelling stories about the benefits of physical regeneration projects in different parts of Scotland.

Aimilia Manolakelli

Since joining BiGGAR Economics as a Research Economist in 2023, Aimilia has been passionate about exploring how projects can generate economic value while also contributing to meaningful change for communities. She has experience in economic and community impact assessments and modelling, having worked on various projects across sectors, including renewable energy. Her work involved emphasising how such developments can improve the lives of people living nearby, often in ways that go beyond traditional economic measures like Gross Value Added and jobs. She has also contributed to the economic and wellbeing impact assessment for place-based initiatives, such as the redevelopment of a leisure centre. 

This event is virtual and will take place via Zoom. You can find the Zoom link in your booking confirmation, and a reminder will also be sent out on the morning of the event.

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