Date: Weds 11 - Fri 13 June 2025
Location: Multiple venues, Utrecht, Netherlands

Good urbanism focuses on places. Great urbanism focuses on people. The AoU’s Congress in Utrecht is your opportunity to explore how the city is making Healthy Urban Living a reality.

Capitalising on its heritage and location, the city is the fastest growing in the Netherlands. Yet it is the everyday that defines Utrecht’s urbanism. The city is home to one of the world’s busiest cycleways and, where a motorway once covered a historic canal, goods are now transported once more by water into the city core and people gather by the water’s edge. New neighbourhoods have social infrastructure at their core, and retrofitting old buildings for new uses is a given.

Challenges remain, recognisable in many other cities, but Utrecht’s placemaking approach to these new challenges is built on the confidence of how it addressed its past ones.

Join us in Utrecht, 11 – 13 June 2025, where we will investigate these themes through a programme of site visits, workshops, and talks from local and international experts, including this year’s keynote speakers Karin Huber-Heim and Jan Vapaavuori.

Programme overview:

This is an outline of the programme, with specific details and timings to be confirmed.

Wednesday 11 June

10:00 - 19:00

Congress Registration
Tours: Exploring Utrecht
Plenary: Utrecht: The Story So Far
Welcome Reception

Thursday 12 June

9:00 - 17:30

Plenary: What delivering healthy places involves
Keynote speaker: Jan Vapaavuori, Former Mayor of Helsinki
Tours: Choice of Learning Visits / Workshops

Friday 13 June

9:00 - 22:00

Tours: Choice of Learning Visits / Workshops
Plenary: Imagining a healthy future for our places
Keynote speaker: Karin Huber-Heim, City of Vienna Endowed Professor of Circular Economy
Congress Closing Party


Considerable ticket discounts are available for AoU Members at the rates below, using the codes listed at

Academician: £340* / £420 non-EB
Young Urbanist: £210* / £310 non-EB
Group Member: £365* / £455 non-EB
Individual Member: £430* / £535 non-EB
Non-Member: £670

*Early Bird rates are available for AoU Members until Sunday 30 March. 

Listed rates are inclusive of VAT. 1-day tickets are also available via Eventbrite.

Young Urbanists: Click here to find out about volunteering opportunities.

This is an AoU event in partnership with Gemeente Utrecht

The Academy of Urbanism (Number 2) Limited is a not-for-profit organisation limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales 0595604, 11c Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 IXE, United Kingdom.
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